Hey Belles! With todays technologies, most of us live off our phones, tablets, & computers. I'm pretty guilty of that myself. So, today I decided I'd share with you what all is on my iPhone 5. & which Apps are my favorite!
First, We will start off with my lock screen..
Pretty boring, except for that cute little girl on my wallpaper. No, that's not my daughter, it's my baby sister!
Next, My home page..
These are the Apps I use the most, I have..
- Facebook
- Twitter; follow me here!
- YouTube
- Instagram; follow me here!
- Facebook Messenger
- Pinterest; follow me here!
- Pandora
- My shopping subfolder, I'll get into that in a minute.
- The Weather Channel
- My photography subfolder, I'll also get into that in a minute.
- App Store
- My Photos
- Contacts
- Camera
- Settings
- Blogger
- Bloglovin; follow me here!
- Spotify
- Clock
- Calendar
In my Home bar is pretty boring..
- Phone
- Safari
- Mail
- Messages
I couldn't live without my pretty much all of my social media apps or my photography apps. As for my weather app, I NEED to know the weather at all times, just ask my family, haha!
Next, My second home page..
- Just Apps subfolder
- Utilities
- Facetime
- Google Maps
I hardly ever use my facetime, unless I'm facetiming my baby sissy.
Now, onto my subfolders..
We will start with my shopping one..
- Amazon
- Ebay
- Etsy
I'm always searching on all these sites, especially Etsy. It's my favorite. As for StyleScan, I don't really know why I have it on my phone. I never use it. It's just a app where you can put outfits together & then buy them.
Here's my photography one..
- Pic Stitch
- Repix
- Bokehful
- Picfx
- Pic Collage
- PS Express
- Whitagram
- Camera +
- Afterlight
- VSCOcam
I use a lot of these on my pictures, most of them just have different filters you can use. Pic Stitch & Pic Collage, are just apps to make picture collages with. & Bokehful is pretty self explanatory, but if not it just adds bokeh to your photos. Whitagram, lets you put full size pictures on instagram.
Here's my Just Apps one..
- Wallpapers
- Emoji
- Moviefone
- Sephora
- PayPal
- Vine
- Skype
- CocoPPa
- Voxer
- Tar Hoops
- Kik
- Guess 90's
Wallpapers is a app full of different pictures you can use as a wallpaper. Emoji, is what I use to have different emoji's in my text. Moviefone, lets you see what movies are in theaters near you. Sephora, I don't even need to explain this one. PayPal, or this one. Vine, I never use anymore. Skype, I used to use it when I was younger, but not so much anymore. CocoPPA, I use it sometimes & sometimes not. It's an app that lets you change your app icons..pretty cool. Voxer & Kik, are messaging apps. Tar Hoops, if anyone knows me, they know I love me some UNC Tar Heels basketball. This app lets me keep up with all the games & scores. Guess 90's, just bringing it back to my childhood. This is a trivia game all about the 1990's.
Here's my Utilities one..
I don't really feel like I need to explain these..If you have an iPhone you know what they do.
Welp, that's pretty much all I have on my iPhone!
Let me know below, what Apps are your favorite!
Until next time,
Thank you!!